Thursday 17 May 2012

Final Week!

The past fortnight has been quite work heavy. If I'm not sleeping or eating, I'm sitting at my laptop. Still, it needs to be done, even if I have had very little sleep because of it! The posters themselves took far longer than anticipated and I went all the way up to Windsor Photoprints on Tuesday 15th, but they couldn't print them for me! I got them printed today and they are looking pretty well, I am maybe just sick of staring at them for so long. I have also designed some fact cards, which provide some story about each of the characters, for anyone who is maybe not familiar with the characters and their history. I am going to Kaizen to hopefully get these printed tomorrow and once I have those finished, I just need to make the boxes up and the main project is finished.

I have also been partly working on some personal promotion materials,experimenting with logo designs, overall colour and style themes, as well as setting up a profile on the CargoCollective website (still under construction!) Overall, I am happy with how I am doing, despite some things taking a bit longer than anticipated. The rest of the work I need to do is not 'difficult' but rather 'very time consuming.' As soon as I get these fact cards printed, the remaining days will be spent maxing out my folder, getting work in order, finalising personal promotion materials and branding and photographing my work.

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