Sunday 28 June 2015

Q-Con XXII Aftermath!

OK, so here are three of the official photographs of all three of my cosplays over the Q-Con XXII weekend! I had an absolutely brilliant time and met some amazing new people! I had originally spoken to some people online and this was my first time meeting a lot of them. Chris Reaney: the entire Spider-Verse in one man stands out! He was Spider-Patriot and Spider-Punk, with both costumes being too awesome for words! Others knew me as 'the chainsaw guy' or 'the Ace Ventura guy' or 'that agent guy from instagram.' These are all titles I am ok with.

I was able to actually make it to the comedy club, pub quiz and closing ceremony this year, all of which I usually miss out on. I had such an amazing time and could write a novel on my experiences, but want to keep this post brief. The cosplay community is so open to discussing costumes and I am so glad I took the leap two years ago and started this hobby. If anyone reading this is thinking about trying cosplaying for the first time, I urge you to do it! Anyway: onto my costumes shown above:

On Friday, I compiled a male version of Lara Croft I called 'Leon Croft' and he was very well received! I got a lot of great shots hanging out with other game characters like my new twin Amy Donaghey who makes a kickass Jill Valentine/Claire Redfield/Poison Ivy!

On  Saturday, I brought out my Ace Ventura, this time with a wig! I was able to tame the new Q-Con cat 'Khal', who later turned out to be lost, but the owner was able to find him after she was all the Q-Con photos of him with cosplayers! I also performed a skit on stage as Ace Ventura. I was so nervous, but the audience seemed to like it!

Sunday was the return of my signature Ash Williams cosplay! I also wore an 'Ash Ketchum' hat from Pokemon, both to hide my hair and to make me a walking pun. My chainsaw prop is starting to suffer from all these events and weather! However, I am openly discussing and working on a possible fourth version! 

Currently, I am planning to go to Dublin Comic Con in August, then Showmasters in October! I am so thrilled that cosplay is taking off over here, finally! Q-Con had such a broad range of cosplays and I am already looking forward to next year!

Massive shout outs to Roll VT Productions for all the interviews (and for holding our group together!) and to GP Photography, who everyone NEEDS to follow on facebook: his photographs are out of this world!

Saturday 13 June 2015

Challenger Approaching!

This is the second teaser image, again based on Super Smash Bros game. It was relatively simple: just darkened a photo of my secret cosplay, cut around it and added it to the template, with another copy of it to give the 'shadow' effect. At the time of writing, there is under a week remaining before the big reveal! Be at Q-Con to see it in person!

Saturday 6 June 2015

Ominous Q-Con Teaser


Queen's Student's Union.
Friday 19th June.
 A scary sight to behold.
Do not miss this.