Friday 17 December 2010 Book

Week 12 complete! I'm free! well, not quite. The deadline for one module is over, the other is the 6th of January. For this module, we have to make a photo essay, complete a sketchbook and create a book online using I made myself go in on the day after we finished the other module (15th December) and worked on my photo essay. After several hours, it was complete! Not willing to give myself a rest, I went home at started my book at 7pm. 5 1/2 hours later it was done.

Now all that remains is the sketchbook...

Thursday 9 December 2010

The Event Part 1

On the 7th of December, we finally hosted our event 'The Surgery.' 12 weeks in the making, with various rebooting of our ideas and name, we finally brought it all together. It was on the ground floor of our university in the gallery space, as it was far too cold and snow covered outside to realistically stand there all day. Overall, I think it went fairly well, we didn't get that many visitors, but I like to remain positive. It was a long day but quite frankly I'm glad it's all over us.
Next Issue: The Publication!

The Event Part 2