Sunday 24 January 2016

My Return!

Yes hello! I apologize for my long absence! I was very very busy from October right through to December of 2015! Anyway, I will get the negative part out of the way first: I no longer work at the dress designing company. I was told that I had been successful and was even asked to quit my current part time retail job. I made every effort to get up to this company and had said that I would keep my other job on weekends. It's actually very lucky that I did this, as I was unceremoniously told that I wasn't being kept on. It turns out that I was very misinformed. Oh well: experience is experience!

Now back to the normal stuff! Below are some of my 'Convention Posters' that I worked on in 2015. I treat each convention like a movie, so I tend to base the designs on either existing ones, or making them inspired by a certain genre or theme.

Q-Con XXII Croft Teaser Poster. This was made like a 'critics' quotes' poster, to tease my (then unrevealed) costume of Tomb Raider. I purposely made all of the quotes negative, as the costume is supposed to be funny and creepy. The Joel Schumacher quote is an in-joke into his much reviled costumes in Batman and Robin.

Q-Con XXII Final Lineup Poster. This is very obviously inspired by 'The Good, The Bad and the Ugly' and was quite quick and easy to make. I simply cropped an existing photograph of each of my three costumes and put them into the three, weathered, western inspired sections. 'The guy with the gun' is a reference to a classic quote from Army of Darkness, the third Evil Dead movie.

Belfast Film and Comic Con Minimalist Poster. This has no particular inspiration, but is rather simplistic and flat, relying on the two signature props of my two signature cosplays to hint at my chosen costumes for the Halloween Con. The rainbow slinky for Ace, the new chainsaw for Ash. I decided on 'feature length' as a tagline, as it hints towards a feature length movie, whilst also being a euphemism for the dirty minded among you!

80s Inspired 2016 Teaser Poster. This one is heavily inspired by 1980s movie design, with lots of neon colours, gridlines and gradient effects. This isn't inspired by anything in particular, but I looked at old video game artwork, the film 'Drive' and the designs for the game 'Farcry Blood Dragon' to help get inspiration for my colours and design aesthetic. The title of 'Electric Boogaloo' is a trope referring to an unnecessary  or unwanted sequel. This is my second year cosplaying full time, so I'm referring to 2016 as a 'sequel year.' 

Lineup History Teaser Poster. This is mentioning four cosplays that I did each year since starting cosplaying. Some creative choices were made, as I wanted to include The Scout (he has no last name!) Dipper Pines was the year before (but he was the only one I did!) and The Punisher has never been worn to a con (But Castle needs to be included to make the numbers!) The inspiration of using surnames is in reference to The Expendables, where the poster mentioned all the famous actors in the film. I wanted to censor the four new costumes I'm planning for 2016, so went for a crumpled paper, coffee stained and pen marked aesthetic. This was the fastest I've ever made a poster from idea, experimenting and finalizing and I'm happy with it, as it gets the idea across very well!