Friday 14 April 2017

Purposely Hideous Design!

OK, now this was a fun experiment! Once again using the yellow/orange and blue/black gradients, I made a poster for Belfast Film and Comic Con 2017! I wanted it to be thematically similar to my business cards, with the aged photo 'stuck onto' the rest of the image. From there, I used the gaudy pink, yellow and blue colours for Jubilee and the red and green ones for Ace Ventura. I went for a dated, 90s looking taste, almost like it was an advert for a VHS or something. Thematically, it fits, as two of the characters are from the 90s and Vasquez is from the 80s, so having that character appearing on a weathered looking photo helps tie it all together!

Sunday 2 April 2017

Jubilee Cosplay Poster

I'm back in the cosplay poster designing business! For this one, I was teasing my new X-Men costume. I was being Jubilee, a female member who uses dated slang. However, in a way of throwing people off, I kept hinting that I was going to be Wolverine. His slogan in the comics is 'The Best There Is.' So I made that the main focus of the poster, with claw slashes through the thick black lettering. I then used a paintbrush styled font and brush to add the 'grafitti' which was done in hot pink, contrasting the dark poster and also hinting towards the actual character. I unveiled the costume at Belfast Film and Comic Con in March and people thankfully liked it!