Thursday 16 October 2014

Cosplay: Shattered Dimensions

This was an idea that I'd been meaning to get around to for some time. It's a self-portrait 'shattered' so that each piece is representative of one of my original eight cosplays.
Ace Ventura
Dipper Pines
Ash Williams
Team Fortress 2 Scout
The Punisher
Alan Wake
Dark Lone Ranger
Warriors inspired costume

Monday 6 October 2014

Chainsaw Mark III

OK, so I decided to rebuild my chainsaw. Truth be told, I was never really that happy with how it turned out, but didn't have enough time before MCM to change it! I kept absolutely everything from the previous build, but made it in three parts this time. Overall, it's far more screen accurate than Mark I or Mark II, so I am really happy with how it ended up looking.