Monday 26 February 2018

Make It Digital Course

As I write this, I am entering the final week of a six week course. It is called 'Make It Digital' and has been arranged by Belfast MET and the BBC.

The course has covered a range of skills, ranging from setting up a Wordpress site, managing a LinkedIn profile to using social media to effectively promote ourselves. The main focus has been video editing however.

I decided to do this course, as it was hours that suited my work schedule, as well as meaning more media experience. It has been very useful in terms of learning how to use Adobe Premiere and editing sound and video together.

Thankfully, I was able to use my previous graphic design experience for editing the video titles. My past with using Audacity for sound editing was useful when it came to mixing the soundtrack for the video. My experiences with taking photos has also proved useful when it came to taking and editing the still images for the final piece video.

Overall, the course has been informative and very useful when it comes to meeting industry professionals and working with new editing software. The final presentation is this Thursday. I will post the final video here once I have finished editing.